重磅内部邮件曝光!AG与I-1000推手狼狈为奸肆意炮制 I-1234 Ballot Title掩盖其推翻民权法恶行


周二上午我方律师向法庭递交了挑战 I-1234 Ballot Title 最后一个来回的Brief,揭露了AG知法犯法的可耻一幕,AG竟然在最后一刻把原来通过正规合法程序准备好了的一份I-1234 Ballot Title换下,签发了一份完全由I-1000推手Jesse Wineberry提供的极具欺骗性的 Ballot Title。我方通过Public Record Act(公开记录法)及时要到了相关往来电子邮件拷贝。我方律师从几百页邮件资料中,筛选出精华,并按照时间线还原AG 与Jesse 11小时 狼狈为奸的全过程。AG违法违规处理Ballot Title暴露无遗。
这里我们仅截几个片段讲述一下故事大概。9月3日是AG 递交I-1234 ballot title 的截止日。因为I-1234与I-1200 内容完全相同,AG 已于前一天将ballot title 准备好,等待9月3日递交。然而,9月3日一大早,AG签发人Alan Copsey收到前州众议员Jesse Wineberry电话。在打完长长一通电话后,Alan 马上在9:55分发邮件给Stacey叫停本来已经准备好了的I-1234 Ballot Title签发!说提案人sponsors看到前一天AG签发的I-1200 Ballot Title后吓坏了,因为他们自己知道选民是不可能同意的 。如果I-1234 Ballot Title也是一样,那岂不就白忙活了!

Stacey – can you hold off on filing the title for I-1234 until 4:30?

I just got off and extended phone call with Jessie Wineberry (former State Representative), who is working with the sponsors for I-1200 and I-1234. The sponsors saw our title for I-1200 yesterday and are somewhat horrified. They asked Mr. Wineberry to find out why the title reads as it does and whether I-1234 would read the same way. I told him the two measures are identical and we drafted identical titles. He says that with that title, the sponsors could not run the measure.
The good news, if there is any, is that he doesn’t blame the AGO. He understands why we drafted the language we did for I-1200. Noah, I wanted you to know about this just in case it reaches a higher level in the office.

这封邮件最后Alan还庆幸地加一句,“好在前众议员没有怪我们AGO。他理解我们签发的I-1200 Ballot Title。Noah,万一此事闹大,我拉领导进来让你知道” ,【Solicitor General Noah Purcell ,Alan的上级】,可见Alan此时已经意识到需要至少让领导知道。 

之后Alan继续忙活一整天跟提案人来回交流无数次,终于在下午3:43分说要采纳提案人的Ballot Title,终于让sponsors满意了!

After a whole lot of back and forth with the sponsors, here is the title they would be comfortable with for I-1234. I’m willing to make these changes. Your reactions? We have until 4:15 to finalize.

为了能够蒙骗选民,提案人sponsors和Wineberry提供的版本当然就只字不提I-1234 去掉了禁止preferential treatment的条款:

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 1234 concerns prohibiting discrimination.
This measure would expand statutory prohibitions on discrimination to public health and public safety, including responses to COVID-19 and law enforcement’s discriminatory use of deadly force; and specify exceptions to statutorily prohibited discrimination.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would expand statutory prohibitions on discrimination by state and local government to public health and public safety; prohibit discrimination in COVID-19 testing, tracing, and treatment; require the state to provide no-cost COVID-19 vaccines, when available, without discrimination; declare protection from discriminatory use of deadly force, including chokeholds, by law enforcement as a civil right under state law; specify exceptions to statutorily prohibited discrimination; and define certain statutory terms.

做为对照,以下是 AG 9月3号上午9:55分叫停之前本来准备好了的跟I-1200一样的版本,请注意highlighted那两句话都没有了。

Ballot Title
Initiative Measure No. 1200 concerns protections against discrimination.
This measure would extend statutory protections against discrimination to public health and safety; remove a prohibition on preferential treatment by government; specify circumstances that are not prohibited discrimination; and define certain statutory terms.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would extend statutory protections against discrimination to public health and safety; prohibit discrimination in COVID-19 testing, tracing, and treatment; require the state to provide no-cost COVID-19 vaccines, when available, without discrimination; declare protection from discriminatory use of deadly force, including chokeholds, by law enforcement as a civil right under state law; remove a statutory prohibition on preferential treatment by state and local government; specify circumstances that are not prohibited discrimination; and add definitions.

事实上,就在前一天内部讨论中同事Peter Gonick已经强调,”如果Ballot Title上不说明去掉preferential treatment这一事实,我觉得不适合,有种藏匿感”

However, I do get the nagging feeling that we’re burying the lede by not mentioning the removal of “grant preferential treatment” to the prohibition of discrimination.

而且就在签发当天截止时间之前,Peter Gonick提出了他的反对意见 ,”我们原来的版本更好,而且除非我们确实认为修改版本更好 (或至少不更差劲),我不喜欢修改ballot titles去安抚sponsors(提案人)。由于我们之前已经讨论过的原因,我希望如实说明去掉preferential treatment”

If it’s not too late, I’d be against making the revisions. I think the new version is accurate, so if we’ve done it, I’m OK with it. But I think our version was better, and I’m not fond of revising ballot titles to mollify sponsors, unless of course we think it makes the ballot title better (or at least no worse). For the reasons we’ve previously discussed, I prefer mentioning the removal of preferential treatment.

这些公开邮件完全证实了我们上次提到过的猜疑,那就是说对方跟AG有上不得台面的私下狼狈为奸。州法律RCW 29A.72.050(1) 明文规定Ballot Title必须如实而且对任何一方不带偏见。”

The concise description (of ballot title) must contain no more than thirty words, be a true and impartial description of the measure’s essential contents, clearly identify the proposition to be voted on, and not, to the extent reasonably possible, create prejudice either for or against the measure.

很明显AG徇私枉法,不是一般的有偏向性,我们律师跟政府打交道多年了,这次AG的作为是令他恶心的(disgusted),去年已经很有欺骗性的I-1000 Ballot Title还是没有赢(输了1%),Jesse Wineberry今年竟然通过关系手把手地给AG写一份更有欺骗性的Ballot Title。这要是让他和AG得逞了,不仅I-200会被轻松推翻,整个Initiative程序都会被他们玩坏。Alan还通过法庭回复文件里狡辩说preferential treatment只是歧视的一种,所以去掉禁止preferential treatment没什么大不了的。不过今天我们律师已经上交了准备充分的Briefs,从各方面都阐述了强有力的论据。庭审定在本周五,我们会继续向大家更新进展。

阅读数百页的PRA邮件耗时费力,为了节省律师费用,我们已经尽量帮律师做好检索。然而,面对新的PRA 资料,律师必须仔细阅读,然后重新撰写brief, 律师费不可避免地增加了很多。目前我们诉讼费缺口是1万美元。希望大家了解Ballot Title有多么重要,一字千金一点都不夸张,不过比起欺骗性Ballot Title对选举造成的恶果则是九牛一毛。请大家支持,目标一万元,ACE捐款没有绿卡要求,链接 https://aceus.org/donate 。

本文相关内容英文稿在 https://waasians4equality.org/2020/09/21/the-ago-bended-over-backward-to-political-insiders-and-issued-misleading-ballot-titles-to-mollify-initiative-sponsors/

10年后华人在美国还有生存空间吗?】 https://aceus.org/2020/06/25/what-would-it-be-like-for-chinese-americans-in-10-years/ 想要先睹为快,第一时间收到我们eNewsletter 的请登记, 链接 https://aceus.org/emailsignup !

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【密州】 https://tinyurl.com/voter-MIFE

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