
从2018年至今,I-200反对者每年都要尝试对I-200发动一次攻击。2018年,他们企图偷偷通过SB 6406 , 推翻I-200, 被我们阻止;2019年他们企图通过议会强行通过I-1000 推翻I-200, 被我们以反对R-88 的方式反掉了;2020年他们再次尝试通过Initiative推翻I-200,被我们多次挑战AGO 签发的ballot title而粉碎了他们的企图。今年,接近年尾,他们企图通过州长Inslee 的行政命令推翻I-200。

今年10月26日,King County 议员全票通过Motion 2021-0391:A MOTION declaring that race- and gender-conscious affirmative action practices in the county are urgently needed to combat discrimination that race- and gender-neutral measures have failed to eliminate in King County. 该动议决定:

  1. “Urges Governor Jay Inslee to immediately sign an executive order rescinding Governor’s Directive 98-01 and restore race- and gender-conscious affirmative action practices in the state of Washington, consistent with the Washington state Supreme Court’s ruling in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No.1 and as used by the United States federal government and the vast majority of state governments across the country; ”
  2. “Supports including an item in the council’s 2022 legislative agenda to advocate for any legislation necessary to timely and fully implement an executive order that would rescind Governor’s Directive 98-01 and implement race- and gender-conscious affirmative action where appropriate; “

Governor’s Directive 98-01 (https://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov/governorlocke/eo/dir98-01.htm ) 是I-200通过后,当时的州长Gary Locke 签发的行政指引。禁止政府部门在招聘,政府合同,和教育领域因种族,性别等因素进行歧视。 

西雅图的8名市议员也于今年9月28日联名去信给州长Inslee, 要求州长rescind Governor’s Directive 98-01 , 并要求将华州建立成为 “a race-conscious Affirmative Action state”。

在背后操纵这一切的,仍然是I-1000的发起人,Jesse Wineberry。他们起草的行政命令明目张胆要求政府允许在政府招聘,政府合同,和教育领域考虑种族和性别因素区别对待。下面是节选出来的,他们行政命令草案的内容


Washington state government, as one of the state’s largest employers, shall adopt the goal that, by June 30, 2024, the gender and racial diversity of the Washington state workforce shall reflect no less than the same percentages of women and people of color who reside in our state population

(A) Race, Sex, etc. May Be Considered in State and Local Government Hiring Decisions. 

Race, sex, color, ethnicity and national origin may be considered when hiring an applicant for public employment, as long as these are not the sole factors used to select a lesser qualified candidate over a more qualified candidate for an employment opportunity. 

(B) Diversity Plans and Goals Shall Resume and are Binding. 

Binding affirmative action plans and goals are not in conflict with RCW 49.60.400 and shall resume, as long as these factors are not used to select a lesser qualified candidate over a more qualified candidate for an employment opportunity, and as long as the plans and goals are allowed under RCW 49.60.400 (4)or (6). Race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin may be considered in the selection of an applicant, as long as these factors are not used to select a lesser qualified candidate over a more qualified candidate for an employment opportunity. 


(A) Race, Sex, etc. May Be Considered in Awarding Construction Contracts or Contracts for the Purchase of Goods and Services. 

Race, sex, color, ethnicity and national origin may be used in the selection of a bidder for a public contract, as long as race and gender are not the sole factors used to select a lesser qualified candidate over a more qualified candidate for a public contracting opportunity, and as long as they are allowed under RCW 49.60.400 (4) or (6). 


(A) Washington State College & University Student Admissions. 

Race, sex, color, ethnicity and national origin may be used in public college and university admissions programs, as long as these are no the sole factors used to admit a lesser qualified candidate over a more qualified candidate to a public college or university, and as long as they are allowed under RCW 49.60.400 (4) or (6). 

(D) Scholarships & Financial Aid 

Race, sex, color, ethnicity and national origin may be used in the awarding of public college and university scholarships and other financial assistance, as long as neither race nor gender are the only factors used to award a public college or university scholarship or other financial assistance to a lesser qualified candidate over a more qualified candidate. ”


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