是可忍,孰不可忍! 号召华人电话要求Kuderer参议员就辱华用词公开道歉


1月17日,华州第48立法选区参议员,Patty Kuderer,在委员会会议上公开使用辱华言辞“Chinese Fire Drill”. 牛津词典明确将“Chinese Fire Drill”定义为”Offensive”. 下面是Kuderer 辱华的视频

我们ACEWAFE于1月20日向Secretary of Senate 提交抗议。昨天收到Secretary of Senate的答复,说是Kuderer 1月20日在委员会会议上的泛泛而谈算是道歉。Kuderer 的原话: “I actually want to apologize for an insensitive remark I made in committee last week… (a colleague) had graciously and humbly pointed out to me, and it was quite a teachable moment… we are never too old to learn something new. I will certainly endeavor to be more mindful. In all the confusion that was happening on Friday – calling of witnesses – it was an attempt to be light hearted but sometimes, we don’t say things the way we really intend them to be.”  Kuderer 泛泛而谈的言论, 把道歉完全定性在吸取教训的层面,她完全没有意识到她的言论对华人的伤害,更不用说为因此造成的伤害道歉了。Kuderer的发言是在一个小型的委员会上,完全不是针对华人社区的道歉。Kuderer的泛泛而谈视频

记者Leona Vaughn 对这件事进行了详细报道 (https://www.edmondsbeacon.com/story/2020/01/16/news/complaint-alleging-racist-language-filed-against-lawmaker/22569.html )。报道里透露了重要的信息:

“Andy McVicar, a senior Senate Democratic communications specialist, said in an email that Kuderer has spoken with an investigator and plans to let the apology she made in committee stand as her statement on the incident. ” – Kuderer 拒绝向我们华人道歉!!!

Kuderer 拒绝向华人道歉,而Secretary of Senate 也想草草结案。下面是Secretary of Senate 的答复

中国农历新年就要到了,大家能咽下这口气,开开心心过年吗?我们号召大家48小时之内,电话,邮件 Secretary of Senate, 和Patty Kuderer 的办公室,要求Kuderer 公开向华人道歉。只需要说“As a Chinese American, I am deeply offended by Senator Patty Kuderer’s racist words. I demand a public apology from Senator Kuderer to the Chinese American community!”


Secretary of the Senate: 360-786-7550, brad.hendrickson@leg.wa.gov

Senator Patty Kuderer: 360-786-7694, patty.kuderer@leg.wa.gov



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