

华州历史上第一个,参议院决议案 – 谴责历代华人经历的暴力和歧视,并承认华人对华州的贡献

经过我们一年多的努力,由共和党参议员Steve O’Ban 提出的,正视华人历史的决议案SR 8684 – Honoring Chinese Americans . (https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=8684&Year=2019&Initiative=false )将于2月18日上午9点在参议院floor 讨论并表决。该决议案历数华人在华盛顿州经受的不平等待遇,并承认华人对华盛顿州做出的贡献。如无意外,该决议案应该会获得全数通过。敬请大家2月18日到场见证这个历史时刻。报名请拷贝以下链接到微信以外再打开填写,最近三周内去过中国或周边感染区的请自我隔离,不要参加,谢谢! https://forms.gle/xD1sCkwXTVXt6dwC9



参议院决议 SR 8684 – Honoring Chinese Americans

                                                华盛顿州参议员Steve O’Ban

鉴于,来自很多州的1万5千名华工完成了西雅图(Seattle )至纽卡斯尔(Newcastle )的铁路建设,从而帮助将西雅图与横贯大陆的铁路系统连接起来。和









鉴于,1962年,一名叫陆荣昌(Wing Luke)的华裔美国人成为首位华裔美国城市议会议员,也是美国大陆上首位担任该职位的华裔美国人。




WHEREAS, Fifteen-Thousand Chinese workers across several states completed the Seattle to Newcastle railroad, helping to connect Seattle to the rest of the Transcontinental railroad system; and

WHEREAS, The odious Chinese Exclusion act of 1882 became the first major restriction on immigration in the United States, leading to the resentment of Chinese American residents in Washington State.

WHEREAS, In Tacoma, on November Third, 1885 a mob forced over 200 Chinese residents from their shops and homes, only to be forced to walk in deplorable conditions to a train waiting to take the Chinese to Portland.

WHEREAS, The next day some of Tacoma’s citizens ravaged Chinese businesses downtown and burned shops and lodgings that formed the Chinese settlement along the waterfront. 

WHEREAS, In Seattle, from February Sixth through the Ninth, 1886 a dispute arose when a mob was formed to carry out a forcible expulsion of nearly every Chinese person from the city of Seattle and herded them to a waiting steamer on the waterfront.

WHEREAS, The inexcusable actions of this mob in Tacoma and Seattle led to the death of a Chinese resident. 

WHEREAS, Twenty-two years after President Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address “Our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” These words were forgotten by the mob, blind to the wrongdoing of the actions that were taken by individuals to force out Chinese Immigrants.

WHEREAS, Even after the decades of unacceptable racism and violence, Chinese Americans wanted to sign up to fight for the United States. 

WHEREAS, The immigration restrictions were not lifted until World War II. Once they were lifted, the demographic of Chinese Americans changed dramatically. In the nineteen fifties and sixties, more Chinese entered fields that had traditionally been closed to them. These included medicine, engineering, corporate business, and even politics.

WHEREAS, In 1962, a Chinese American named Wing Luke became the first Chinese American City Council Member, and the first Chinese American on the U.S. Mainland to hold such a post.

WHEREAS, The Population of Chinese Americans has more than doubled since 1979.

WHEREAS, Chinese Americans play a vital role in Washington State, they are doctors, nurses, students and teachers, CEO’s and secretaries, they are our neighbors, our friends and, most importantly, Washingtonians. 

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate condemns the violence and racism that generations of Chinese Americans have faced and acknowledge the vital role that Chinese Americans play in the great State of Washington. 

奥林匹亚报名请拷贝以下链接到微信以外再打开填写,谢谢! https://forms.gle/xD1sCkwXTVXt6dwC9


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