
选举年,民主党不敢明目张胆反对美华历史月立法,所以采用下三滥的手段,企图偷偷拖延不让ESB 5264 拿出来投票。请大家马上行动。

在大家的施压,和我们的不断游说下,民主党控制的众议院House State Government Tribal Relations 委员会安排了ESB5264 2/16的公听会,然后2/17 委员会投票。就在我们认为该法案出委员会无悬念的时候,今天早上我们非常惊讶的发现,2/16 的公听会被改到了2/17, 所有已经登记发言或支持的信息完全被抹掉。而且登记者并没有收到会议改期的通知。更严重的是,原定的2/17的委员会投票被取消,而且并没有安排新的投票日期。

ESB 5264 公听会被延后,已经登记支持的人在不知情的情况下,支持信息被抹掉。这明显是不希望该法案有支持者记录在档。值得指出的是,委员会在取消ESB5264 2/16 公听会的同时,又添加了两个法案到2/16 的会议章程里。2/16 原来安排了7个法案,ESB5264 是其中有一个。现在,只有ESB5264 被延后。而安排公听会,却不安排委员会投票,很有可能是对方不得不做show, 但又不想让该法案过。



  • 请再次登记支持ESB 5264
    1. 请访问 https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/House , 选择 State Government and Tribal Relations Committee, 2/17/22 10:00am meeting
    2. 选择ESB5264
    3. 如果你没有时间发言,请选择 #2, I would like my position noted for the legislative record;  如果你确定可以参加远程线上发言,请选择 #1, I would like to testify remotely.  无论你选择哪个option, 请务必position 选Pro
  • 请给以下众议员写信,质问为什么ESB5264 改期却不通知已经sign up public hearing 支持该法案的人。更严重的是,为什么committee vote 被取消?

To: javier.valdez@leg.wa.govdebra.lekanoff@leg.wa.govmike.volz@leg.wa.govJim.Walsh@leg.wa.govlaurie.dolan@leg.wa.govJenny.Graham@leg.wa.govMia.Gregerson@leg.wa.gov
Cc: laurie.jinkins@leg.wa.govjt.wilcox@leg.wa.gov 

Subject: Please support and advance ESB 5264 – Americans of Chinese Descent Month Bill
Letter (仅供参考)

Dear Committee Chair and Members.

I am shocked and disgusted by the dirty move by the House State Government and Tribal Committee’s move to derail ESB 5264. You canceled the bill’s public hearing without notifying people who signed up in support of the bill. You canceled the committee vote so that the bill could not advance out of the committee. What are your intentions? Why is it so difficult for you to support the bill that honors Americans of Chinese descent? 

And Rep. Gregerson, as the only Chinese American state legislator, we expect you to support and voice for your own community. 

I urge you to please support ESB 5264 and advance and pass this bill. As an American of Chinese descent, I want my kids to learn about Chinese American history. I want them to be proud of Chinese Americans’ achievements and contributions. We also must learn from the dark history of those discriminations against Chinese Americans.  
Stopping anti-Asian hate starts with passing bills like ESB 5264.

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    2. 如果能够筹集足够的广告费,我们也打算在Seattle Times上打广告。


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